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Showing posts from August, 2017

In search of normalcy: The reconstruction of north.

India played a crucial role in reconstruction of north of Sri Lanka  through foreign monetary aids . After the war victory, the President of Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksha visited India in June 2009. During bilateral talks between two premiers, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh made an announcement that India would support to reconstruct the war affected areas and rehabilitate programmes. India concerned to assist the GOSL in her post war reconstruction rehabilitation process in several ways. India involved to assist the internally displaced persons in North and East providing financial assistance for several projects in the war affected areas. At the beginning, India government provided emergency supplies of medicine, temporary housing and cement and undertaken demining programmes in war zones with an investment of $ 110 million.   Later, India further extended her cooperation to assist for the post war reconstruction process in Sri Lanka invol...