The extremist groups of Srilanka like LTTE along with smaller such groups by the 1970s had forged a more than sympathetic relations with Tamilian political parties across the border. LTTE chief also had camaraderie with leaders like Karunanidhi, Veeramani. The parties in India were Tamil Movement and Dravidar Kazagham. Now Indian Central Govt. faced another issue that was the global eye of US and Britain where it was certain that intervention of the big power here, in this case, India in Srilanka's internal matters which would have raised the question of an interference on the sovereignty of the smaller nation. At the same time, Indian Government was ready to continue its moderate approach on the island nation.
These parties backed separation of Srilankan State, with Tamil Eelam as the region(North and Northeast)
Tamilians in the Srilankan region were demanding not only autonomy in the state but were also demanding equal opportunities for admission in the Srilankan Universities where the Sinhalese only policies were making it difficult for Tamilians to get equal representation.
By 1972 the effects of Sinhala favouring policies started impacting Tamilian population with them getting devoided of job opportunities.
All this made Indian Government start contemplating over possiblities of their mediation choices.
A lot was to start off now...
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