The whole culture and civilization of Sri Lanka has developed from Buddhism, which had its origin in India, during the time of King Ashoka.
Sri Lanka literature too has been the off-shot of Indian literature. The art of Sri Lanka paintings, sculpture and architecture have mostly been influenced by Indian arts. Hinduism was adopted during the time of Devdnass-piya Tissa
Sri Lanka literature too has been the off-shot of Indian literature. The art of Sri Lanka paintings, sculpture and architecture have mostly been influenced by Indian arts. Hinduism was adopted during the time of Devdnass-piya Tissa
It is difficult to assess historically whether the story is mythical or is reminiscent of Aryan invasion of Sri Lanka, but one fact is certain that Sri Lanka had intimate links with India.
Sri Lanka was a part of the Chola Empire of South India in the 10th Century and since then many Tamils have settled in the Island known as “SRI LANKA TAMILS”. In fact, the Tamils of Sri Lanka are an ancient people their history had its beginnings in the early Tamils found expression in the rich sangam literature of 100 B.C. to 300 A.D6 Indian and Sri Lanka sources both confirm as do the ruined cities that from the subcontinent to the north came
invading armies as well asreligious and cultural inspiration from the tenth to the fourteenth
centuries,Ceylon was subjected to periodic invasions from South Indian dynasts.
invading armies as well asreligious and cultural inspiration from the tenth to the fourteenth
centuries,Ceylon was subjected to periodic invasions from South Indian dynasts.
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